Best Way to Move Around Brussels

Attention all travelers,

If you’re travelling to Brussels for the first time, then you’ll want to know the best way to move around the city. Lucky for you, that’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about in this blog post.

If you’re looking for some restaurant suggestions during your trip, you can also check out my food review of all the restaurants I went to in Brussels.

Table of Contents:

  • What is the best way to move around Brussels

  • Is Brussels a walkable city?

  • How to pay for public transport?

  • Is there Uber in Brussels?

  • Best way of getting to the city centre from the airport

What is the best way to move around Brussels?

The best way to get around is using public transport.

I recommend using contactless payment, e.g. Apple Pay, when using the public transport instead of buying the tickets through the machine.

This is because I realised it costed way more to get tickets via the machine compared to paying at the gate.

How to pay for public transport?

Before going into the station, there’s a gate that will block you from entering and exiting the platform. Just scan your card at the gate, and it will open and let you in.

Based on my experience, it only charges you once to card and acts as a day pass. As long as you’re using the same card the whole day, it shouldn’t be charging you more.

Is Brussels a walkable city?

Sort of? If you’re just within the city area, you can do most things without using public transport and just walk from the train station. The roads are mostly flat as well, there shouldn’t be much problem.

However, if you’re planning to go to places like the Atonium, you’ll definitely need to catch the train to get there.

Is there Uber in Brussels?

Yes, Uber is operating in Brussels.

When I was visiting in April 2024, I had seen a TikTok mentioning that Uber was not operating in Belgium.

However, I personally saw multiple Ubers driving around town and I also ordered from Uber Eats while I was there, so, I’m very sure it’s operating there.

How to get to the city centre from the airport

There’s a tram located underneath the airport which leads directly to the city centre, which costs a standard airport fare.

I recommend checking your route using Citymapper (my go-to route finder) so that you can find out which destination you’re heading to.

FYI - Neither the app nor the ticket mentions which platform you’ll need to get on for your journey, so I highly recommend checking the signs located close by to the ticket machines before entering.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post, and found it helpful. If you want to get notified whenever I publish a new blog post, make sure to sign up for my newsletter where I send exclusive travel stories and notifications whenever I upload a new blog post.

May your passports be full, and see you in the next post!


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